dijous, 25 de setembre del 2003

To Google Manager:

As a catalan-speaking Google user, I want to complain against Google's new policy of redirecting Catalan Google Users to Google Spain (http://www.google.es). Without any warning, Catalan Google users have been redirected to Google Spain, and user's language preferences have been overriden, and changed to Spanish by the Spanish Google server. I am sorry to have to tell you that redirecting Catalan Google users to Google Spain is not a wise policy. Catalan is spoken in 4 European recognised countries: Andorra, France, Italy and Spain. Most Catalan Google users do not like to be redirected to Google Spain (http://www.google.es), even if our IP can be identified as located in Spain.

Please respect our will to have a free Catalan interface, independent of the French or Spanish Google.

Yours truly,

Josep Sort