Al llarg d'aquesta setmana que tot just estem a punt d'acabar, s'han iniciat les negociacions entorn el futur estatus polític de Kosovo, entre les delegacions del govern de Kosovo i el de Sèrbia. Sobre la taula hi ha la proposta elaborada per l'enviat especial del Secretari General de l'ONU per a Kosovo, el finès Martti Ahtisaari. Qui estigui interessat en aprofundir al respecte, li suggereixo que llegeixi els quatre articles que he publicat a (1, 2, 3, 4).
En el decurs de la meva navegació per internet sobre aquest tema, he trobat un informe elaborat per un analista, anònim, de la UE sobre el posicionament de la comunitat internacional respecte aquest tema. Concretament, l'autor fa un repàs país per país de la UE, sobre el seu posicionament entorn la independència kosovar. També hi ha referències a altres estats no europeus. És un informe publicat el passat dia 21 pel diari kosovar Koha Ditore). Penso que és molt interessant. L'he penjat íntegrament aquí.

A continuació passo a reproduir alguns fragments que em semblen interessants.
1. "Spain has reservations regarding Kosovo’s independence due to its fear of Kosovo's independence legitimising secessionist aspirations in its Basque and Catalan regions. Currently, the idea of secession does not enjoy a majority in any of these two regions, however, they fear this could change in the future".
2. "Germany wants to serve as a “bridge” between the West (or rather, the US) and Russia. Albanians should try to get German understanding by making parallels between the position of Kosovo and the position of the Sudetenland region. However, they should be careful to make this comparison only in personal contacts with German politicians and opinion-makers, because public comparisons of this kind would be counter-productive in the countries that won World War II."
3."France has shown more understanding for the Kosovar position and greater distance from Serbia than expected. It’s possible that the outcome of the Presidential elections in May this year in France will influence the stand of this country towards Kosovo. The likely winner of these elections, according to the newest opinion polls, Nicolas Sarkozy, is known as being close to the US (not a widespread position in France), and his victory could result in an even more supportive stance of France towards Kosovo’s independence."

other hand, Turkey has interests in the Balkans and Muslim populations in the region Islamised by the Ottoman Empire are seen as natural bases for Turkish influence in the region. In this respect, the vision of the Kosovar state with Muslim majority and special relations with Turkey could be the reason for Turkish support for Kosovo’s independence. It’s known that Turkey acts as a patron of Bosniaks, yet it’s difficult to see Turks in the same position when it comes to Kosovar Albanians because the position of Bosniaks and Albanians is not the same. Not only because not all Albanians are Muslims but even more because the history of both peoples and their attitude towards the Ottoman period are different. For having Turkish support it is necessary for Kosovars to do their best that Kosovo Turks feel at home in Kosovo.

6."In the underdeveloped world of Asia, Africa and Central and South America, Kosovars should try to enlist support for their cause by drawing a parallel between
their struggle for independence and the decolonisation process in the Third World during which their countries became independent."
7. "Kosovars have every right to play on Islamic solidarity for getting international support, yet this should be done in a discreet way so as not to provide ammunition to those enemies who portray an independent Kosovo as a future Al-Qaeda stronghold in Europe, etc. On the other hand, Kosovars could make use of the fear of Islamic extremism in the West by exerting pressure on the Western countries. It should be told to the West that non-recognition of independent Kosovo could push some disappointed Kosovars into the hands of Islamic extremists and weaken pro-European forces among Kosovars"

En el text es dóna per suposat que Rússia és una aliada ferma de Sèrbia, i en conseqüència, contrària a la sobirania de Kosovo.
Val a dir que trobo a faltar referències als posicionaments de la Xina -un altre membre amb poder de veto al Consell de Seguretat de l'ONU- i d'Israel. Caldrà seguir d'aprop tot el procés negociador.
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